Since 1994 - Boutique Law Firm |
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The Law Firm
Nicola Fabiano founded studio Legale Fabiano in 1994.
Currently, Studio Legale Fabiano is based in Foggia (71121 - Via Dante Alighieri n. 5) with offices in Rome (00181 - Viale Furio Camillo 54) and in Milan.
Nicola Fabiano is Civil Law Specialist and Entitled to represent clients before the Italian High Courts.
The professional activities (legal proceedings and within the framework of extrajudicial procedures) are conducted in Italy and abroad and, where necessary, may seek the cooperation of other professionals and consultants.
Main areas of practice
In these areas, our approach is aimed at assessing the impact of technologies on individuals and legal entities about possible violations of rights as provided by the legal system.
Fabiano Law Firm also conducts first and second-party Audits on legal and technological issues, drawing on the expertise of its founder and his team of certified experts.
Traditional areas
Persons and family law – Inheritances and Wills – Real Estate – Contracts – Civil liability – Executions
We chose

for our communication
Open source - Open standard - Secure - Decentralized
Personal data and privacy are a value.
You can reach us by XMPP at nicola [at] nicfab.chat
Our Feed RSS: https://www.fabiano.law/en/index.xml
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Team About Team Working in a team is one of the prerogatives of our Law Firm.
Individual skills are undoubtedly essential, and their value is enhanced through teamwork.
That is an important part of our Law Firm work, and we believe that working as a team adds value to both our Law Firm and its clients.
For these reasons, our Law Firm firm may collaborate with external professionals. We encourage discussion of only legal issues without reference to the subjects (what matters, first and foremost, is the legally sound solution).
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Video Some videos related to Nicola Fabiano's interventions EU AI Act: Practical Insights & Expert Discussions - 25/05/2024 Ciclo de conferencias: “Emociones y toma de decisiones: Democracia y emociones” - CETI - ANCBA - 22/05/2024 EU AI Act and the definition of AI System: The current state of the Art before the trilogue starts (for INNS) - 25/07/2023 La comunicazione digitale e gli impatti sulla privacy - 20/07/2023 Intervention at the Italian event “e-privacy XXXII - «Privacy, AI & Security: un trinomio complesso»” - 15/06/2023 Resources for Privacy Professionals with Nicola Fabiano and Punit Bhatia E082 S4 - 16/03/2023 Intervention at the event “PR!VACY ROMANIA 2022 - National Conference on Privacy and Data Protection, 2nd edition 20–21 JANUARY 2022” - 20/01/2022 Intervention at the “Virtual Book Launch - AI & Privacy: How To Find Balance” - 10/04/2021 Intervention (in Italian) at the event “L’effetto della pandemia su protezione dati e privacy” - 28/01/2021 Intervention (in Italian) at the event “GDPR, privacy e il modello DAPPREMO: consapevolezza e sicurezza informatica” - 30/11/2020 Intervention (in Italian) at the event organized by CNF for the book launch event “GDPR & Privacy: awareness and opportunities. The approach with the Data Protection and Privacy Relationships Model (DAPPREMO)” - 22/10/2020 Video interview (in Italian) by Luigi Garofalo on “Contact Tracing” - 19/05/2020 Interview by Punit Bhatia (FIT4Privacy Podcast) - 9/4/2020 Intervention (in Italian) at the event “5G Italy 2019” - Rome, 3/12/2019 Interview (in Italian) at the Italian conference “I Dati tra Sovranità Digitale e Interesse Nazionale. Le Persone, le Pubbliche Amministrazioni e le Imprese” - Milano-Bicocca University - Milan, 2/12/2019 Intervention (in Italian) at the book launch event “GDPR & privacy: consapevolezza e opportunità . Analisi ragionata della protezione dei dati personali tra etica e cybersecurity” 1st ed. - Rome, 28/6/2019 Interview (in Italian) at the “5th anual Congress of ASSODPO” - Milan, 8/5/2019 Intervention on “Intelligent Systems, Ethics and Data Protection at the International Conference (IMCIC 2019)” - Orlando, Florida (USA) - 12-15/3/2019 The 1st International Conference on Applications of Intelligent Systems (APPIS 2018) - 8-12/01/2018 Interview (in Italian) at the Italian “Forum ICT Security” - Rome - 2011 Intervention (in Italian) to the Italian event “PrivacyDay” - Arezzo - 2010