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Some videos related to Nicola Fabiano's interventions

EU AI Act: Practical Insights & Expert Discussions - 25/05/2024
Ciclo de conferencias: “Emociones y toma de decisiones: Democracia y emociones” - CETI - ANCBA - 22/05/2024
EU AI Act and the definition of AI System: The current state of the Art before the trilogue starts (for INNS) - 25/07/2023
La comunicazione digitale e gli impatti sulla privacy - 20/07/2023
Intervention at the Italian event “e-privacy XXXII - «Privacy, AI & Security: un trinomio complesso»” - 15/06/2023
Resources for Privacy Professionals with Nicola Fabiano and Punit Bhatia E082 S4 - 16/03/2023
Intervention at the event “PR!VACY ROMANIA 2022 - National Conference on Privacy and Data Protection, 2nd edition 20–21 JANUARY 2022” - 20/01/2022
Intervention at the “Virtual Book Launch - AI & Privacy: How To Find Balance” - 10/04/2021
Intervention (in Italian) at the event “L’effetto della pandemia su protezione dati e privacy” - 28/01/2021
Intervention (in Italian) at the event “GDPR, privacy e il modello DAPPREMO: consapevolezza e sicurezza informatica” - 30/11/2020
Intervention (in Italian) at the event organized by CNF for the book launch event “GDPR & Privacy: awareness and opportunities. The approach with the Data Protection and Privacy Relationships Model (DAPPREMO)” - 22/10/2020
Video interview (in Italian) by Luigi Garofalo on “Contact Tracing” - 19/05/2020
Interview by Punit Bhatia (FIT4Privacy Podcast) - 9/4/2020
Intervention (in Italian) at the event “5G Italy 2019” - Rome, 3/12/2019
Interview (in Italian) at the Italian conference “I Dati tra Sovranità Digitale e Interesse Nazionale. Le Persone, le Pubbliche Amministrazioni e le Imprese” - Milano-Bicocca University - Milan, 2/12/2019
Intervention (in Italian) at the book launch event “GDPR & privacy: consapevolezza e opportunità. Analisi ragionata della protezione dei dati personali tra etica e cybersecurity” 1st ed. - Rome, 28/6/2019
Interview (in Italian) at the “5th anual Congress of ASSODPO” - Milan, 8/5/2019
Intervention on “Intelligent Systems, Ethics and Data Protection at the International Conference (IMCIC 2019)” - Orlando, Florida (USA) - 12-15/3/2019
The 1st International Conference on Applications of Intelligent Systems (APPIS 2018) - 8-12/01/2018
Interview (in Italian) at the Italian “Forum ICT Security” - Rome - 2011
Intervention (in Italian) to the Italian event “PrivacyDay” - Arezzo - 2010